Adding One-Time Earnings to Payroll

Follow the steps below to add any applicable One-Time Earnings to your employees’ pay:

1. While in the payroll grid, select the +under the Earnings column and to the right of the desired employee

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2. Review the existing earnings and select the earning you would like to add; Earnings are listed alphabetically by description and followed by the earning type. If you have not yet created the earning you would like to use, select Create Earning > enter a description and select the earning type > Create New Earning. 

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3. Add the amount you would like to pay your employee

4. Add Earning

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To edit a One-Time Earning after it has been added to the payroll:

1. Click the -under the Earnings column and to the right of the desired employee

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2. Update the One-Time Earning amount as needed / Remove the earning by clicking on the trash can icon to the right of the earning

3. Update Earnings

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Once a One-Time Earning has been created, you will be able to use this same earning for other employees in the same payroll and in future payrolls. However, adding One-Time Earnings during payroll does not add the new earning to employee profiles as an Additional Earning